Hacking Your Subconscious: with your Password

Creighton Pyles
4 min readAug 9, 2018

The Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is a fertile garden which bears the fruit of the seeds YOU plant in it. What does this mean? All the thoughts, conversations, and media we consume is taken into our subconscious mind. We know we are what we eat, well we are too what we think!

What’s unique about the subconscious mind is it takes in anything you give it. While the conscious mind can think critically and reject thoughts, the subconscious mind just processes what it is fed. The other important aspect to note is that the subconscious mind can’t differentiate between what is real and what imaginary. There are countless studies which show imagining an activity stimulates similar responses as physically performing it. Here is one example about this effect on athletes .

So we can understand that the images and thoughts we accept at the conscious level will impress upon our subconscious mind. Furthermore, the subconscious mind uses this information, real or imaginary to fuel our experience. This process happens because our subconscious mind is always trying to keep us in a state homeostasis. Think about how well it is able to manage the billions of processes within our body behind the scenes. That is because it is able to regulate our mind and body based on previous context. For example the subconscious mind knows when an athlete enters an arena that different demands of the mind and body will be required.

Why Hack the Subconscious ?

This is where hacking the subconscious comes in. We can use visualization and affirmations to program our minds to manifest the versions of ourselves we desire. Since the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between “reality” and imagination, we can use things like affirmations to prepare our minds to expect and operate how we wish. Some put this more concisely by saying we can reprogram our minds to be on the frequency we desire.

Whether you believe in the notion vibrational frequency or not, the concept of positive affirmations has empirical evidence pointing to its effectiveness. At the very least repeating and remind ourselves of the what we desire will keep us on track to accomplishing it. This is why spiritual practices like Hinduism and Buddhism use their long prayer beads. Practitioners use each bead to chant a mantra or affirmation to program their mind to the frequency they desire. It is a repetitive practice which helps to impress upon our mind the ideals to which they are striving.

Why the Password?

This is where the modern mantra hack comes to play. We can use our daily ritual of signing into our devices via a password to program our mind. Think about how many times you type the same meaningless password into your computer or phone. What if this was a positive affirmation which promoted the goals and experiences you desired? It would act not only as a daily conscious reminder of these goals, but also as a way to repetitively impress upon your subconscious mind the life and frequency you wish to obtain.

So I implore to try this little life hack. Choose a password that reminds you of what you want to accomplish, or of the person you wish to be. It will force you to engage with this ideal on a daily basis whether you are in a positive mindset or not. I think that is one of the biggest benefits of this practice. It is a way to promote your future self to continue growing. This coupled with the repetitive nature of password can really be powerful.

I have been using this trick for years now, and am continually reminded of my positive intentions. I am forced to engage with my original positive intention at some level each time I log into my computer. My job in software, as well as writing this blog results in creating numerous opportunities for me to type in my mantra each day. Not every time will be as meaningful as others, but I can say for myself there still is a level of engagement with my original intention for the password.

Our minds can tend to scatter, and our goals can seem to drift away. We should do every thing in our power to keep ourselves aligned to our potential and higher image of ourselves. What better daily reminder than an activity we do numerous times a day. We can turn this “mindless” or “meaningless” action into something that brings value into our lives.

Is this something you would try for yourself? Leave your opinion for against this hack below!

